Coloureffects and Specialeffects

- The Rights of all arts, pictures and sketches by Workbench Script SS (Privatstudio by Scriptorius Stefanos Sidiropoulos) are reserved!

- The colour-effects and special-effects are powered by PIXLR (software for creative Art - Free App), Sony Sketch (software for creative Art - Free App) and ArcSoft PhotoStudio5©.

Workbench Script SS works with the best software products, which are to get for free:

Pixlr is one of the best programs that has many different effects to choose. This program is a good recommendation for those who are interested in art. For more information you can visit the site here.
Who wants to download that particular program, can go on here.
With Sony Sketch, you can do many different things like; Writing, drawing, set Stickers and much more. It's a good app that works very well with Android. Who has more interest, more can be found here.